Finding Old Domain Names with Backlinks

On a daily basis, thousand of domain names reach their expiring date for many different reasons. For some, it could be because of their users forgetting to renew their domains, moving on to other projects while others expire because their users do not want them anymore. For many people, old domains are of no value but this is because they are not aware of the PageRank or the Google age-factor. To people with information about Backlinks or SEO, deleted domain names are real, easy money. The only challenge is differentiating between valuable old domain names and those that are not so valuable.

Why are old domain names with backlinks important to try? A great domain name is not the only thing that you get after the acquisition of an old domain. The previous history awaits you too. Many times, domains that have been in previous use stand a chance of containing backlinks saved in Yahoo or Google. Even more important, some of them would have directory listings and in some cases, Google PageRank Value.

How would you like inexpensive traffic? Previously left domains could still be having a certain level of traffic. In these old domains, you could save a lot on the Pay-Per-Click costs of advertisement or Adwords by getting some traffic from the domains’ links previously used. Previous backlinks can help you save on SEO and therefore, rapidly achieve your sales targets.

Old domain ideas – When you are buying a domain, find out whether the previous content corresponds to your needs. Otherwise, you could browse a list of expired domains to get the idea of your name based on how interesting the keywords are.