European Brands on Facebook

Europe commands a very high usage of Facebook, taking more than 20 percent of the total world usage. That is whopping for lack of a better word. There are very famous brand names on Facebook, and they are right from Europe.

Case Study

Perhaps the leading European brand on Facebook is Redbull. This body-vitalizing beverage has a total number 34,591,580 likes on its fan page and still counting. That is not all, probably due to its excellent quality, the beverage has on average, 747,040 people on Facebook talking about it at any one time. All its other products such as Red Bull Sugarfree, Red Bull Energy Shot, Red Bull Energy and Red Bull Racing have continued to conquer not only Facebook, but even other social networks outside Europe.

Other Red Bull products with significant likes

The other factor attributable to this brand standing out on Facebook is the wide variety of its product. Red Bull Sugarfree Energy Shot, Red Bull Signature Series, Red Bull TV and Red Bull Cola are some of the products that received a great applause on their fan pages within few days of introduction.

There are many European Brands on Facebook. Many companies have realized the power of social networking for business, and they are creating fan pages for their products right, left and center.

From the European Brands on Facebook, you can make orders for anything from clothes, shoes, electronics, machinery, cars, flowers, pizzas, office equipment and school materials. The best thing about posting an advertisement or a brand on Facebook is that you can always expect to make more sales, if your product is of high quality and satisfies customers. You will also know in real time what your customers think about your product or service.

The European market is headed to the social media today, specifically Facebook.